The first Asian quick-cooking noodles from Germany

CHELE GmbH has established the first production line for the special Asian noodles. It has done over three years to optimize the traditional technology for pasta manufacturing. The classical recipe was also reintroduced according to the EU standard in order to allow the additives to comply with the BMEL Supplementary Drug Registration Ordinance. The noodles have simply better taste and cooking properties. The first nests of Lee's noodles came out of the line in May 2016. Lee's noodles dominates the markets in Germany and the Netherlands by their stable quality.

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Forming and diameter

According to the different requirements from different customer areas, we are currently producing three forms, standard, fine and round noodles. For more information, see the following modules.


1,75mm square
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1,50mm square
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1,50mm rund
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Customer service

Delivery within 48 hours

We deliver the Lee's noodles all over Germany within 48 hours by secure forwarding, for the order of one truck up to 72 hours during the business day.

Makes with your own symbol

For wholesalers with a permanent order, we may arrange with you, add your own logo on the package to market the Lee's noodles jointly, and distribute the brand noodles under their own names.

Dealers and sales representatives

We are constantly looking for salespeople who would like to resell Lee's noodles in EU countries, e.g. In your state or local market.

Lee's Nudeln

  • " 一粥一饭,当思来处不易;半丝半缕,恒念物力维艰。"

    明 - 朱柏庐

  • "王者以民为天,民以食为天,能知天之天者,斯可矣。"

    春秋(齐) - 管仲

  • " 田家少闲月,五月人倍忙。夜来南风起,小麦覆陇黄。 "

    唐 - 白居易